We have your weekly roundup of our last 7 watches here... but first we wanted to quickly answer a frequently asked question: "How's the lawsuit coming?"
We received this question even more frequently last week during our Independence Day t-shirt sale, and through the launch of the pocket watch, as we received more press and became top of mind for some
Long story short, we went to trial in federal court against the Swatch Group on February 19, 2020, and still have not received a ruling from the judge. In the meantime it's all business as usual for us here in Colorado. Unfortunately, being sued by the world's largest watch company isn't the worst thing that's happened to us so far in 2020...
Here's a few links to stories about the case if you want to learn more:
BizWest Story (the most in-depth story):
Rescapement Blog (written by a legal professional):
Beyond The Dial (written by a veteran watch industry journalist):
A quick quote from that last story to answer the "why haven't I heard about this?" question we sometimes get:
"I had pitched the story to many publications, and only International Watch was willing to go to print with it. The rejections I received came in the form of rather frank explanations that Swatch Group, which owns Hamilton, was too close to ad revenue sources."
The bottom line is, we've fought through all of this and, even in the face of all things 2020, Vortic is doing extremely well in every way. We can't thank you all enough for supporting us by asking these questions, buying watches, and just following along.
Now back to the business of watches!
Click on any of the images below to learn more about that particular watch.