Vortic Watch Company is partnering with hundreds of small to medium size American manufacturing companies to prop up the supply chain of the United States and protect us from future supply shortages.
When manufacturing companies talk about "Keeping The Lights On," they mean that inside America's factories and manufacturing facilities, the lights are on, the machines are running, and the people are working.
Due to the recent crisis, many manufacturing companies like ours are struggling to operate, whether due to government regulations, supply-demand issues, or cash flow problems. This means there are likely thousands of highly skilled Entrepreneurs, Trade Workers, Engineers, Assemblers, and the like who have valuable assets, and TIME TO SPARE.
What if we worked together to better utilize that time, those machines, and that skilled knowledge? What if we helped keep the lights on for American manufacturers?

Here at Vortic, we say “America wasn’t assembled. It was built.”
It was built by people who saw a problem and then stepped up to solve it. The odds were against them, but they found a way to survive and thrive.
I, for one, will not sit at home and watch when I have nearly a decade of engineering experience, a team of machinists and skilled workers, and a supply chain network full of specialty American manufactures.
Click the button below to learn more about our initiative and consider donating to our Go Fund Me campaign. Let’s go all-in for American Made. Let’s work together to keep the lights on for America.