The Vortic Watch Company Blog | Horological Stories and Information
Dave Hollis Book Launch
Last year I had the opportunity to meet Dave Hollis in person and I can tell you first hand that he's one of our most awesome customers. We had a great conversation about Entrepreneurship and growing our teams, and he was super stoked to get one of our watches.
Hamilton v Vortic - What happened in Court?
Thank you everyone for your support after we made you aware of our 5 year legal battle that recently became news. The outpouring of emails and social media messages was extremely helpful and we can't thank you enough! Now we can answer this question of "how did it go!?" so here's our official statement released on social media after the trial.
Hamilton v Vortic Announcement
We've been receiving many questions after some recent media coverage, so we thought we'd share as much as we can. Tomorrow morning, we are defending ourselves in Federal Court in a case called Hamilton v Vortic.
100 Days of Vortic Watches
Hey everyone! I’m RT Custer, Co-Founder of Vortic Watch Company and I’m so excited to tell you about 100 Days Of Vortic! Starting September 23rd, for the last 100 days of 2019, we will finish and list for sale one, new, totally one-of-a-kind watch every single day!
Preserve Your Legacy - Steve's Father's Day Story
Preserve Your Legacy is a series of stories from our customers who used our Convert Your Watch service and Heritage Watch Builder. These customers brought us their family heirloom pocket watch and we restored and preserved it inside our custom Vortic wristwatch...
The Art of The Patina
Now that Vortic Watch Company offers solid bronze cases, we wanted to share some info about your new/future bronze Vortic watch. Bronze cases not only provide beauty off the line, but they also build a unique character with age.
The Vortic Process
At Vortic Watch Company, we get a lot of questions about our process and how long it takes us to convert an antique pocket watch into one of our custom wristwatches. The short answer is that each watch is truly unique and...