The Vortic Watch Company Blog | Horological Stories and Information

Waltham x Elgin: Corporate Espionage & The History of Pocket Watch Production in the United States
Did you know that the history of the 2 largest American pocket watch manufacturers was tied together? Elgin Watch Company and Waltham Watch Company combined to produce 78% of all pocket watch movements built in America. The two watchmaking giants were also...

Did Packard Motor Company Make Pocket Watches?
A study into the history of American manufacturing will likely lead you to the doorstep of Packard Motor Car Company. A leader in American automotive manufacturing in the early 1900’s, Packard set the standard for luxury cars in the United States. Studying...

Where Do The Old Pocket Watches Come From?
Custer & Wolfe - Building a Watch Company "The History of the Great American Watch Companies" So many of you ask us "are there enough pocket watches out there to convert into wristwatches?" or "where do you get all the...

Building a Watch Company - The Watch That Won the War: The Ultimate Piece of Military History for the Wrist

The History Behind Labor Day Continued...
Your Weekly Roundup of watches is below, but first... If you read our weekly email last week, you know we are diving into the history of Labor Day. Join us over the next few weeks as we explore some of the history of the...

The History Behind Labor Day
Your Weekly Roundup of watches is below, but first... If you read our descriptions for the Watch of the Day watches you know we love to add a layer of contextual history to the information about the pocket watch movements and watch we created....

When The Word 'Rare' Doesn't Cut It
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